Monday, July 20, 2009

Thing 8 Facebook

I've been waiting for this thing because it's one I am already familiar with. People kept telling me that I needed a facebook account so I finally registered and have been facebooking for several months now and already have over 300 friends. I'm connecting and reconnecting with family members, old neighbors, old and new coworkers, people I went to high school with and former students who are now young adults. It seems like everyday someone new has popped up on Facebook. I read an article that baby boomers are ruining Facebook now for the millennials. Again, we boomers are being marginalized. Instead of looking at it as a great way to bridge the generation gap and bring people together, the reaction is "Horrors, there are older folk on Facebook now. It must be the beginning of the end." I sincerely hope instead of spelling doom for Facebook, it will only strengthen this social networking site. There are many other questions about Facebook for which I don't have answers. I've gotten a couple of weird messages trying to get me to click a link for a video that were not actual sent by the people who it says the messages came from so I'm assuming there is the potential for hackers and viruses that one must be vigilant about. I also worry every time I click apply so I can take a Facebook quiz. What am I actually agreeing to? The privacy issue is a thorny one but information is available about all of us for a fee to anyone who wants to know badly enough anyway. I've had my identity stolen before by someone in a different state who managed to get my social somehow so I'm not too worried about the benign information available on Facebook. All in all, I have to say that at this time I find Facebook to be an incredible opportunity to find lost connections.

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